There is a lot of emphasis placed on the "Care Cliff" often experienced by young people in care when they turn 18 and rightly so. Take a minute to think about facing the world on your own at the age 18 after experiencing a difficult childhood, more often than not a limited support network, and amplified by a cost-of-living crisis in 2022. Amongst all the achievements and successes of care experienced young people it is important we recognise their support needs and continue to work hard to address the challenges this group of young people face.
Our aim at Leicestershire Cares on the "Powering UP" project was to use NCLW 2022 to celebrate the many successes of our care experienced young people across the year. We talked to our young people about their greatest achievements and asked them to think about how they have realised their potential. After discussions with our young people, we decided to deliver a creative arts session alongside Pedestrian creative arts initiative in Leicestershire.
"I believe Leicestershire cares is doing everything they can to help support young people"
The session allowed our young people the opportunity to recognise their personal growth as individuals and really think about their success's not only this year but along the journey of their lives. Here at Leicestershire cares we will continue to support our care experienced young people with agility and creativity, giving them every opportunity to succeed in life with the support of the businesses who support our projects and other community and statutory organisations across the sector.
If anyone would like to get in touch to discuss how they could support the "Powering Up "Project, my contact information is
Powering Up Project (Care experience) | Leicestershire Cares