Making Moves is a project that provides support to individuals in need of assistance with their housing and benefits. We ensure that everyone receives equal support regardless of age by helping at four community clinics and four youth clinics. The frequency of these clinics varies depending on the need in the area, and some are held weekly while others are held monthly. The support provided varies based on the age range and location of the clinic, with some areas requiring more help with online forms and systems, while others face difficulties in reading and understanding English as it is not their first language. Our homelessness and benefits worker is available to provide a variety of support services, such as assistance with housing applications, uploading proofs, weekly bidding, benefits advice, secondary school applications, blue badge applications, child maintenance services, and concessionary bus passes.
Atifa has been a lifeline for so many young people who use our project. She has been patient, culturally aware, and able to help them understand their rights and navigate the red tape and maze of housing applications”
- Community centre manager
Here are some of our successes:
- We provided one-to-one support to 93 individuals through our clinics set up in and around the city.
- 24 individuals have registered for the Making Moves project.
- 8 participants from community groups
- 16 from youth groups
- We have attended 8 networking meetings.
- We worked with 3 business partners.