Jampacked Podcast is a mini podcast series created by a young lady (Jameelah) who joined the Power to change project seeking to find her voice in the world, though the art of podcasting. Jameelah is registered blind but does not let this disability inhibit her in anyway, Jameelah is very motivated and has a real desire to have a voice in the world, therefore Jameelah came to us with idea that she would like to record and release a mini podcast series talking about social issues she and people she knows are or have been affected by, so after a brief meeting discussing the idea we quickly came up with Jampacked.
Jampacked podcast is a series that touches on four subjects that affect our communities, the first one being about homelessness.
Each episode contains a mixture of guests from the business, community, and youth sectors, all inputting their own opinions.
The first episode is available from 12pm 1.11.24.
Please subscribe and follow the new YouTube page and stay up to date with all the Jampacked Podcasts
Alternatively you can listen in on all major streaming platforms.
#Powertochangeproject #tnlf #togetherwecan