Following the departure of Fiona Spence Arnold (We Discover) and Muskan Bains (mainstream education) we are currently recruiting for an engagment officer to drive our education work forward.
Our involvement with the LLEP and Careers Enterprise company means we are able to keep our finger on the pulse when it comes to developments and education reform - we welcomed the Enhanced Careers guidance has been released from OFSTED
Both leicestershire Cares and local schools will be awaiting a strategic action plan in 2024 and we need to be ready for our offer to respond to these changes.
Amy Cook, Head of Children and Young People
We currently have 12 interview skills sessions booked in and welcome new schools: Castle Mead and City of Leicester College.
Our use if the STEM Ambassadors website has attracted new volunteers from:
- Ministry of Defence
- Galiford Try
- Nuffield Health
- Rolls Royce
- Wates Construction.
Whilst our We Discover work at SEND schools has paused for the time being we have started some crossover work with Altogether Now Project: Annie Britton has brokered work with Ellesmere which has triggered involvement with their interview skills in October and a Careers Day in November. We have a number of interested business members such as Walker & Son, Nelson’s, Everards and HSBC.
We are currently recruiting for volunteers at mainstream schools and upcoming opportunities can be found here