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9 Jan 2024

Z.S was referred to Leicestershire Cares for ETE support as a participant on the Phoenix programme. During the initial assessment, it became clear that Z.S required support in clarifying the difference between right and wrong. He also required support with identifying consequences to enable him make decisions.

During our sessions, Z.S took part in an employability day and attended a fun day during the half term. Z.S was provided with guidance on how to make decisions by thinking about long term consequences. He was provided with ways to identify ulterior motives and protect himself from getting engaged with the wrong crowd. Z.S was an active participant in the group session and offered to entertain the group with a dance performance at the end of the employability session.

Z.S also attended a C.V session where he learnt about the correct way to format a C.V and the correct information and wording to use in a professional C.V. During the session, Z.S was able to correctly identify areas of amendment on a poorly formatted C.V which was provided for demonstration purposes.

In partnership with a community navigator at Ingeus who had a pre-existing relationship with Gordz Kickz, a specialist shoe cleaning service, Z.S was able to secure an interview with the CEO, and he was subsequently offered a part-time job. As a result of working part-time, Z.S has now raised his aspirations and he confirmed that he would like to get learn more about marketing and perhaps explore a marketing apprenticeship.

Z.S received interview support and we went through common interview questions. Z.S demonstrated the ability to think on his feet by participating in an interview session. He confirmed that he learnt to think on his feet by participating in free style rap sessions with his peers. In the new year, Z.S will participate in a formal mock interview session at the offices of one of our business members.

In my new job, I would like to learn more about marketing and how to dye shoes, repaint shoes, and customize them

Z.S 2024