On Friday 14th June Leicestershire Cares coordinated our very first Careers Day at Ellesmere College. Ellesmere College is a special school which caters for students with a wide range of educational difficulties and complex needs,including those with additional sensory, autistic, speech, language and communication needs. The college provide a space where all the students are able to focus on their learning and achieve their highest potential.
The Careers Day was divided into three parts. First, business volunteers gave a talk about their careers and companies, with the opportunity for students to ask any questions. This was delivered to sixth form students in the main hall and with Key Stage 4 students in a classroom setting.

The sixth form students were then able to take part in one-to-one mock interviews with our business volunteers, where they had the opportunity to receive feedback and ask questions about different industries.
The mock interviews have really boosted the confidence of the students in my class.
Teacher at Ellesmere College

We ended the Careers Day with Ellesmere's annual careers fair, various businesses and organisations came together to provide a fun, interactive and engaging fair, with the students receiving lots of freebies and information about multiple sectors.

It was a lovely day - well organised as ever, and the students were a pleasure to work with - so enthusiastic and polite. Would happily go back - the careers afternoon was a lot of fun.
Business Volunteer
This was a great opportunity for Leicestershire Cares and our business members to collaborate with Ellesmere College and provide a valuable experience of the workplace to their students.
Any schools interested in running similar activities with their students should contact Charlotte Robey-Turner for further information at charlottert@leicestershirecares.co.uk