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Powering Up Football

30 Jun 2023

Across the year we are proud to say that we have engaged with a total of 48 young people and this number continues to grow week by week. Alongside this we have been able to provide 40 pairs of new football boots due to our partnership with the Pathways team.

The project began last summer and during its infancy was slow in its development. Our partnerships with the local community, care sector and education providers have since really helped the project to grow and provide opportunities for improved social inclusion and networks. We have worked closely with the Freedom project who have supported us to identify young people who would benefit from the initiative especially unaccompanied asylum-seeking children whose networks are often limited. Powering up football has really opened the doors and supported young people to feel welcome in a new city.

Football gives me a chance to be myself and express myself in a positive way


Additionally, across the year we have delivered Enterprise Day, a careers workshop aimed at increasing awareness of the employment sector as well as raising the participants aspirations. The day involved a range of public sector organisations including Ambulance, Fire, and Police sharing their stories and opening the young people’s eyes in relation to careers within their sector. We also welcomed partners from the business sector, Sue Woollet, Stepnell and Kieran Chand, Hastings Direct who again shed some light on their industries and the opportunities available to young people. Furthermore, we provided the young people with some inspirational stories based on the journeys of some of our community partners. To find out more about the day please see a link to our news story below.

Powering Up Project delivers Leicestershire Cares Enterprise Day | Leicestershire Cares

What’s next?

The Pathways team will be delivering a workshop on the 30th August with the aim of supporting the young people attending to reach their full potential through education.

  • Learning about the different education routes available
  • Discover the next steps to take to reach your future career.

We are currently in discussions with Leicester City in the Community, The Tigers Foundation, and the Pathways team with the aim of upskilling a core group of participants. We hope to provide our participants with the opportunity to take part in a sports leadership/coaching award. The long-term aim is the for the project and sessions to be participant led and this would give the participants the opportunity to gain the necessary skills and confidence to bring this into reality.

Do what you love!