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Leicestershire Cares Awards - Outstanding Contribution to Education 2021

6 Oct 2021

The Education Team at Leicestershire Cares was delighted to announce that Joules were our winners of ‘Outstanding Contribution to Education’ at our annual celebration this year.

All of the shortlisted nominations had the most involvement with our education and employability projects this year, whether it be our live student careers webinars, remote CV workshops or remote mock interviews. Joules were actively involved in a wide range of these projects and helped to support over 4800 students with their employability skills. In addition, careers YouTube videos that Joules created continue to be used by individual students, classes and in whole year group assemblies.

Helen Treadwell, Education Development Officer, Leicestershire Cares

We would also like to give thanks to the other nominees for this award who have played a vital part in our education work this year.

Knights plc

Hinckley and Rugby Building Society

Thermo Fisher Scientific

For more information about our interview technique sessions, including dates please see our website: Interview Technique | Leicestershire Cares For employability events including dates, please see here: Employability | Leicestershire Cares

For more information about our education events / projects please contact