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A Celebrations Night with Aspiring Leaders

11 Mar 2022

Building and harnessing a foundation of skills amongst those who are, and who will remain part of the fabric of the community is key.

The community development team were delighted to join a night of celebration with aspiring community leaders.

Police and Crime Commissioner's Office (OPCC) and Violence Reduction Network (VRN) partnered to conduct a three-month training programme for community leaders.

As part of this program, participants will gain the support they need to develop their leadership style and further impact in their communities.

The room was full of inspirational people who want to make a difference and who are not afraid to step out of their comfort zone to amplify the voices of their communities. We were honoured to be invited to the event and we look forward to celebrating the next cohort.

If you would like to know more about our work please contact

Neetu Squire

Head of Community Development

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