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YES Team Update Q1

27 Oct 2022

The YES Project saw increased engagement in LC activities in Q1 with The YES Project really began to start preparing for the end of the programme in Q1, with meetings with partners across the project beginning to discuss exit strategies for participants and finalising dates for submission of documents. This led to priorities shifting to focusing on getting more new young people on the project and long-standing participants off. Externally, long term youth unemployment continued to rise, even with a large volume of entry-level vacancies remaining unfilled across the City and County.


  • World of Work Tours took place at Sytner’s Porsche Garage and Joules head office in Market Harborough
  • 37 young people supported across the provision with 1 exiting into employment and 1 into education and training
  • Two Get Ahead programmes were delivered, working with young people to increase employability skills as well as self-confidence, supported by multiple different business volunteers
  • Project Pony continued to have a positive impact on improving the well-being of young people on the project
  • Get Stuff Done numbers started to increase, with keyworkers across the project beginning to make more referrals over to LC for employability support
  • The numbers of referrals for sign-ups increased due to continued recruitment at employability events

It was intriguing and eye opening because of the amount of different roles actually available within a retail company.

YES Project Participant

The staff challenged any preconceptions I may have had about the company and it was a really eye-opening and modern environment, was great to see a multi-faith room

YES Project Participant