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Winners of Leicestershire Cares’ careers competition receive their prizes

12 Oct 2020


During the school closures, Leicestershire Cares ran a careers competition for primary and secondary school students, to encourage them to learn about careers while in lockdown. We had a huge response and our judges chose three fantastic winners, 4 runners up and 4 highly commended entries.

As schools are currently closed to visitors, we asked school staff to help us present vouchers and certificates and send us pictures of our competition winners, runners up and highly commended entries.

Two proud runners up from Boothwood school had their certificates and gift vouchers presented by their Head Teacher, Julie Harvey.

For her entry Lana (runner up) wrote lyrics and created a video of herself performing a song that said ‘thank you’ to NHS staff for all their work during the covid-19 crisis. Emlyn was smart and got two BBC radio presenters to appear in his video where they talked about how they were entertaining the listeners to keep spirits up during the lockdown.


The overall winner of the primary competition who is a pupil at Linden primary school dedicated her fantastic presentation to her uncle who is a supermarket delivery person.


Our judge Victoria Philps, head of people at for Walkers Deli & Sausage Co said

Congratulations and well done Shaima for your creative, informative and emotive entry in the careers competition. I loved your heartfelt reference to your uncle and how this made you feel. I had goose bumps and felt a little teary reading it!

Shaima’s presentation was shown to her classmates for inspiration. Deputy head teacher Ingeborg Powell said

Shaima is an absolute Linden superstar and we are so proud of her.

If you are a school or a business interested in linking up to help students with vital employability skills, numeracy, or literacy please contact for more information.