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Children’s Commissioner farewell speech

18 Feb 2021

Along with other speakers , Anne put forward a powerful case for ensuring that children and young people are

at the centre of levelling up and building back better policies.

My parting plea to you is this: please don't forget about vulnerable children...these are your children now. You have a chance to put them centre stage. When you do build back better, make sure you do it around them.

Anne Longfield , Children's Commissioner for England

Anne’s, points resonate strongly with our grassroots experience. Too many children and young people are being left behind and we need to see passion and creativity, backed up by resources to ensure we reverse these trends

Kieran Breen CEO Leicestershire Cares

Throughout and beyond the pandemic we are working in partnership with children, young people, local authorities, community groups and businesses to ensure nobody is left behind.

For more information on Anne’s speech

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